Brown Eagle Group, Inc. leadership join the Syngenta site leadership and team for a lunchtime celebration of the 2 million man-hours accomplishment on Monday, February 17.

Brown Eagle Completes 2 Million Man-Hours Without a Lost Time Incident

Brown Eagle Contractors, Inc. is proud to announce that it has successfully completed 2 million man-hours without a lost-time incident at Syngenta, a remarkable safety achievement measured in industrial work environments.

Owner and Chief Executive Officer Lela Mae Wilkes credits the accomplishment to each of Brown Eagle’s 134 on-site employees and their commitment to safety, quality and continuous improvement.

“Every person at our Syngenta site has maintained high levels of awareness and ambition since 2012 to reach this goal,” Wilkes said. “I am so proud of our team for its dedication to safety, and I look forward to celebrating three million hours without a lost-time incident – and beyond!” Wilkes attributes the uncommon safety success to a combination of new policies and procedures developed in 2012, as well as to the leadership of Site Leader Ronnie Anderson, who tirelessly worked to execute and promote the new safety procedures. The achievement was also made possible by the thorough planning and leadership of Bert Purgatorio, Josie McGinnis, Brian Perrodin, Donnie Freeman and Kelly Moore, who were each dedicated to making improvements to safety by correcting hazards and implementing facility modifications identified by Brown Eagle.