Other News

Flexitank being prepared for filling and transport

Baton Rouge-Based Brown Eagle Expands Supply Chain Service with Use of Flexitanks

Brown Eagle is expanding their array of supply chain solution offerings through the implementation of an innovative flexitank program. The use of flexitanks enables Brown Eagle to offer companies a more affordable option for transporting non-hazardous liquid chemicals overseas and by railway that is just as safe as conventional ISO containers. The solution also gives […]

Baton Rouge-Based Brown Eagle Expands Supply Chain Service with Use of Flexitanks Read More »

2021: Brown Eagle teams with BP and Catholic Charities to serve jambalaya meals to impacted communities in wake of Hurricane Ida

In the days following the devastation of Hurricane Ida, Brown Eagle gathered volunteers to host a jambalaya cook-off in the cities of Greensburg and Paulina. Teaming up with BP, event volunteers prepared over 100 gallons of jambalaya and served over 1,000 meals to area residents and those in need. “In the wake of such a

2021: Brown Eagle teams with BP and Catholic Charities to serve jambalaya meals to impacted communities in wake of Hurricane Ida Read More »

Through New Partnership in West Baton Rouge, Brown Eagle Expands Service Line to Include Food-Grade Storage

Brown Eagle has announced a new partnership with a major U.S. beverage company and is now expanding its service line to include food-grade storage. The beverage company will utilize 110,000 square feet of storage at a warehouse leased by Brown Eagle in Port Allen. This investment in West Baton Rouge Parish will result in the

Through New Partnership in West Baton Rouge, Brown Eagle Expands Service Line to Include Food-Grade Storage Read More »

Legacy of Success: Helping Louisiana chemical manufacturers soar

Today, most people think of logistics as sending an envelope from one place to another or having a package that was ordered online delivered to their home or business.  To industrial and manufacturing sites, finished products logistics starts at the packaging line and ends with the customer. Plus, what’s being sent from one place to

Legacy of Success: Helping Louisiana chemical manufacturers soar Read More »

Brown Eagle Infectious Disease Policy Update: Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 Precautions

Brown Eagle will take all precautions to protect the safety and health of employees, comply with all federal and state health, safety and regulatory requirements.  Specifically, Brown Eagle will follow the prevention and treatment information guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Where we provide on-site services, Brown Eagle will follow our

Brown Eagle Infectious Disease Policy Update: Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19 Precautions Read More »

Brown Eagle Completes 2 Million Man-Hours Without a Lost Time Incident

Brown Eagle Contractors, Inc. is proud to announce that it has successfully completed 2 million man-hours without a lost-time incident at Syngenta, a remarkable safety achievement measured in industrial work environments. Owner and Chief Executive Officer Lela Mae Wilkes credits the accomplishment to each of Brown Eagle’s 134 on-site employees and their commitment to safety,

Brown Eagle Completes 2 Million Man-Hours Without a Lost Time Incident Read More »

Members of the WBEC South Board of Directors award Brown Eagle Contractors owner and CEO Lela Mae Wilkes Supplier of the Year during the Women’s Enterprise 25th Anniversary Conference at the Hyatt Hotel in New Orleans on September 26, 2019. From left to right: Kimberly Duck of BP, Susan Stenz of ExxonMobil, Lela Mae Wilkes, owner and CEO of Brown Eagle Contractors Inc. and David Feldman of Chevron.

Brown Eagle Contractors, Inc. Awarded Supplier of the Year by Women’s Business Enterprise Council South

The Women’s Business Enterprise Council South (WBEC South) named Brown Eagle Contractors, Inc. Supplier of the Year in the Southern United States during the 2019 Women’s Enterprise Summit on September 26.
The woman-owned, Baton Rouge-based business serves as a one-stop solution for the post-manufacturing needs of chemical companies, providing services such as logistics labor, project management and material handling. Industry giants like BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, Conoco Phillips and Entergy nominated and selected Brown Eagle as the award recipient.

Brown Eagle Contractors, Inc. Awarded Supplier of the Year by Women’s Business Enterprise Council South Read More »